Master of Music Program
From any Bachelor of Music (BM) program to:

Master of Music (MM) in Composition  

A. List of courses to be taken by a prospective Master in Music major in Composition student with a different B.M. major from other institution.

   1. Orchestration
   2. Advanced Orchestration
   3. Advanced Counterpoint
   4. Advanced Harmony
   5. Choral Writing

B. Take the online Graduate Placement Exam (May 10, 2025). Passers will receive an email and a ZOOM link for an audition and interview. During the interview, present a:

   1. Portfolio of compositions written in the last 3 years
   2. Resume of music writing activities in the last 3 years

Submission and inquiry: Prof. Mary Katherine Cabral at

Master of Music (MM) in Choral/Instrumental Conducting

Submission of the following:

    1. CV
    2. 10-minute choral rehearsal excerpt
    3. 10-minute choral performance excerpt
    4. 1-2 page statement on why you would like to pursue graduate studies in conducting.

Submit via Google drive link to Dr. Beverly Shangkuan-Cheng at (cc: by May 3, 2025.

Upon a successful evaluation of the applicant’s graduate placement exam and submitted materials, the Chair of the Department will email the applicant to prepare for an interview and presentation of analysis of a major choral/instrumental work.

Master of Music (MM) in Musicology

A. For graduates of the UP College of Music, 15 units of Musicology courses acquired from BM (from the 3- unit courses below) distributed as follows:*

   1. MuL 150 - Principles of Musicology

   2. Any 2 of the following courses:

      a. MuL l51 - Selected Readings in Ethnomusicology
      b. MuL 152 – Music Criticism
      c. MuL 197 – Special Topics in Musicology
      d. MuL 198 - Special Problems in Musicology

   3. Any 2 of the following method courses:

      a. MuL 191 - Music Transcription
      b. MuL 192 – Field Methods
      c. MuL 193 – Archiving Methods

       * Upon admission, these may be taken as back subjects for non BM Musicology graduates.

B. For transferees from other music schools

   Equivalent courses of the following:
      1. MuL 12 - Music of Southeast Asia and Oceania
      2. MuL 10 - Philippine Music
      3. MuL 13 - World Music Culture       

* Upon admission, the 15 unit requirement above (A) must also be taken as back subjects.

C. Prepare two academic writing samples (average of 15 pages each, double-spaced)

D. Take the online Graduate Placement Exam. Passers will receive an email and a ZOOM link for an audition and interview.

Submission and inquiry, email

Master of Music in Music Education (MMMuEd)

Requirements & Interview Guidelines AY 2025-2026

I. Graduate Placement Exam ---------------------------------------(May 10, 2025)

II. Submissions via link -------------(deadline: May 14, 2025)

   A. Teaching Competencies

      1.Teaching demonstration video
      2. Accompanying lesson plan of the teaching demonstration video

   Please note that the video teaching demonstration will be evaluated using the following criteria and rubrics:


   B. Research and writing competencies: Critique of journal research article

      1. You may choose from either of the two articles:

         a. Guadalupe, J., Abaya, E., and Camposano, C. (2023). Enacting Music Curriculum Contextualization in the Philippine K to 12 Curriculum: Negotiations, Constraints, and Mediating Forces. In Philippine Journal of Education Studies, Vol. 1, Issue 1 (2023), pp.11-36.

         b. Rodriguez-Carranza, A. (2016). Living in the Moment: The Essence of Ethnographic Fieldwork for Teaching Music and Dance in the Elementary and Secondary Levels. In Musika Jornal 12, 2016, pp 2-24. (access here:

      2. FORMAT: The University of Arizona Global Campus. (2023). Writing an Article Critique.

      3. CRITERIA and RUBRICS: The rubrics for the paper is in the appendix of A Guide for the Preparation of Music Papers (Appendix: Grading Rubric for Music Papers).

IV. Interview via Zoom--------------------------------------------------------------------------------(May 17, 2025)

The exact time and zoom meeting link will be emailed to you. ZOOM. Be prepared 20 minutes earlier than your scheduled interview.

For any other concerns, kindly email

Master of Music in Instrumental Performance (Piano) and Master of Music in Piano Pedagogy

Admission and Audition Requirements

AY 2025-2026

Contact: Asst. Prof. Mita Antonia Fernandez Chair, Keyboard Department (

Audition Requirements and Guidelines for Applicants to the MM in Instrumental Performance (Piano) and MM in Piano Pedagogy programs

  1. The Keyboard Department is encouraging the applicants who will pass the Graduate Placement Exam to do the face-to-face live audition. Applicants who could not come to the face-to-face live audition due to valid reasons have to do a live-streamed audition. Both modes of audition will be done on May 16, 2025 from 1:00 to 4:00 PM in Room 109- A.

  2. The detailed schedule of the audition and the details of the live-streamed audition will be sent per e-mail on May 5, 2025.

  3. The following shall be sent per e-mail to Asst. Prof. Mita Antonia Fernandez ( on May 6, 2025

    1) audition repertoire in Word file with the following details:
    a) complete name of the applicant,
    b) program applied for,
    c) composer and complete title of each work and duration of each piece (for applicants in both programs ); and

    2) a link to the video demonstration of piano teaching of at least fifteen (15) minutes in length (for MM in Piano Pedagogy applicants only).
    The audition repertoire should have a total duration of 60 minutes for MM in Instrumental Performance (Piano) and 15-30 minutes for MM in Piano Pedagogy.
  4. All pieces shall be played from memory.

  5. The order of performance of pieces shall be at the discretion of the applicant.

Repertoire Requirements for MM in Instrumental Performance (Piano) program

Entrance requirements for the MM in Instrumental Performance (Piano) program consist of the following: a Baroque work, a complete Classical work, a Romantic work and Impressionistic/20th-21st century work. The audition repertoire should be equivalent to the BM level.

Admission and Repertoire Requirements for MM in Piano Pedagogy program

Master of Music in Piano Pedagogy

The University of the Philippines College of Music is pleased to announce the institution of the Master of Music in Piano Pedagogy degree program. Upon the approval and endorsement of the UP Diliman University Council at its 176th meeting on March 20, 2023, the new degree program was approved by the Board of Regents at its 1379th meeting on April 3, 2023. “The Master of Music in Piano Pedagogy is a two-year graduate program that focuses on teaching. It intends to train teachers in piano instruction for three levels of piano students: beginning, intermediate, and early advanced or pre-college levels. Its capstone requirement is a lecture-recital that focuses on elements, chosen pedagogical concerns and approaches to interpretation and performance of chosen works”. (Appendix F Page 4_Approved Institution of the MM in Piano Pedagogy Program)

Admission Requirements

  1. The program is open to applicants who hold a Bachelor of Music degree from reputable institution of higher learning or one duly recognized by the University of the Philippines College of Music. It is preferable that the applicant has had at least one year of piano teaching experience.

  2. The applicant must submit the following:

    1) A completed application document;
    2) Undergraduate academic records with a general weighted average (GWA) of 2.0 or better;
    3) A video demonstration of piano teaching of at least fifteen (15) minutes in length. Individual and/or group lessons at any level are acceptable;
    4) The applicant must play an audition repertoire consisting of at least:
       i)    A two-part Invention by Johann Sebastian Bach;
       ii)    A fast movement of a Classical sonata;
       iii)    An étude from Czerny op. 299;
       iv)    A choice of an early advanced piece from the Romantic period, from the 20 th -21 st century or a Filipino work.
    5) All pieces must be performed from memory. The audition should reflect the highest possible level of playing of the applicant.

  3. Additional evaluations

    1) The Graduate Studies Program Coordinator will evaluate the applicant’s previous educational background, accomplishments and other required documents to determine that qualifications are met prior to getting the Diagnostic Examinations.

    2) Diagnostic Examinations in Theory and Music History are administered to determine whether the applicant demonstrates an acceptable level of musicianship and knowledge of Western and Philippine music. The purpose of these examinations is to determine weaknesses in undergraduate preparation. Depending on the examination results, students may be required to take one or more remedial courses. In these instances, the courses will receive a grade of No Credit.

    3) Upon acceptance into the program, the student in collaboration with the Program Advisor and the Graduate Studies Program Coordinator shall complete a Program of Study Form, in which the student’s academic program is outlined, including any and all required enrichment and/or remedial courses as well as transferable credits.

Master of Music (MM) in Instrumental Performance (Violin, Viola and Guitar)

Applicants for the MM in Instrumental Performance (AY 2025-2026) are required to submit:

A. Violin

1. Video recordings of one (1) J.S. Bach Sonata or Partita for unaccompanied violin and
2. One (1) Sonata*: Brahms, Debussy, Faure, Ravel, Schumann (or a sonata of comparable difficulty) or one (1) Concerto* (fast and slow movements only): Barber, Beethoven, Brahms, Dvořák, Glazunov, Lalo, Mendelssohn, Paganini, Prokofiev, Saint-Saëns, Sibelius, Tchaikovsky, Vieuxtemps (or a concerto of comparable difficulty).

B. Viola
1. A video recording of one (1) unaccompanied suite by J.S. Bach (transcribed for viola) or one (1) Sonata*: Brahms, Schubert, Bach; Viola da Gamba Sonatas (or a sonata of comparable difficulty) and
2. Writing samples (at least 2) demonstrating graduate level, discipline-specific proficiency in music research.

C. Guitar
1. A video recording of one (1) Baroque suite (transcribed for guitar) or one (1) long work originally written for classical guitar (Sonata, Theme and Variations, Fantasia, Overtures, etc.)

*can be played without accompaniment

Submission and inquiry, email

Master Of Music (MM) in Voice

   1. For UP BM-Voice graduates, continuing to the MM Program

   a. An average grade level of 1.5 or better in the MuP 190 level (obtained within the last two years)
   b. Tick the appropriate box (indicating continuing to MM) in the Voice Examination Form submitted before taking the final examination level of MuP 190.

   2. For UP BM Voice graduates returning more than 2 years after graduating and non-UP applicants: an audition is required.

The following must be prepared. Different styles, periods, moods, and tempi must be reflected:

   1. 1 Opera Aria
   2. 1 Oratorio Aria
   3. 1 German Lied
   4. 1 French Melodie
   5. 1 English art song
   6. 1 Filipino art song

Audition Guidelines

➢All songs must be memorized.
➢All auditions are onsite/f2f.

Please email

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